how to buy bat

But just because it didn’t work for old Perky doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. The diet of any animal is extremely important to their well being and this is no different for bats. As previously mentioned, there are many different species of bats and therefore they eat a lot of different things. However, the small species tend to feed on small bugs such as mosquitos and moths.

That is, a 30/20 of one brand and model feels like a 30/20 of a different brand and model. The most easily misunderstood concept in all of ‘batdom’ is the concept of swing weight. After you’ve decided on your price and league, the barrel type comes as the next useful consideration.

How to Buy Wood Baseball Bats

Effective January 1, 2018, USA Baseball will adopt a new method for measuring bat performance for testing youth baseball bats. If your youngster is between the ages of 10 and 11 and playing fastpitch softball, a bat with a length of 28 inches to 31 inches is perfect. The ideal bat length for fastpitch softball players between ages 12 and 13 is 29 inches to 33 inches. Those playing fastpitch softball at age 14 and over are encouraged to use a bat with a length of 31 inches to 34 inches.

So you know what size bat you need, and you have picked out the right type, now you just need to make sure your bat has the proper certification. Remember that all leagues have their own bat standards and regulations. Be sure to consult your league before making a purchase to make sure you buy a bat with the proper certification. Finding the right baseball bat for your needs can be a fun way to personalize your equipment list.


There are some wood bats built with a combination of two types of wood. As well, some wood bats have « man-made » materials incorporated into the construction. These types of wood bats are generally more durable than traditional single-piece wood bats and are often called « composite wood bats ». Maple bats are made from a very dense wood which features a tight grain structure. This durability and added pop is why maple is one of the most popular choices among ballplayers.

  • That may be the starting place of your search for the best youth baseball bat, but it’s not necessarily the rule.
  • The player will have to try several (if not a lot of) bats until he finds the most suitable weight.
  • A bat’s drop is the measurement determined by subtracting the weight of the bat from its length.
  • The larger the bat’s barrel diameter, the larger the overall hitting surface will be.

A baseball bat and some batting gloves is everything your child needs for offensive production in baseball. Kevin King, founder of Anytime Baseball Supply and senior contributor of the Daily Diamond blog, started the company 7 years ago. He loves the Los Angeles Dodgers, playing the occasional pick up baseball game, skateboarding and his dog Panzer. Despite his busy schedule, he still finds time to contribute to the blog. Let’s start by first understanding the anatomy of a baseball bat. It is important to understand the different parts of a baseball bat so you can follow along in this article and not get confused about the terminology.

Choose a High Place to Mount It

Two piece bats consist of two parts in the handle and barrel that are adjoined together to increase flexibility and reduce vibration. One piece bats are comparably stiff yet have better balance than two piece bats. If the impact of the vibration resulting from contact with the baseball is not a primary concern, https://www.tokenexus.com/bat/ a one piece bat is certainly worth considering. As noted above, alloy, composite and hybrid bats are that much more durable than wooden bats. Composite bats are comparably expensive, typically running $200 or more as they have a massive sweet spot and generate a distinct sound at the point of contact.

how to buy bat


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